International Relations Workshop with Christina Schneider
DateApril 6, 2015
4357 Bunche Hall
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Presenter:Christina Schneider, UC San DiegoTitle: “The Globalization of Electoral Politics in the European Union”Abstract: [The author] analyzes the globalization of electoral politics in the European Union (EU), arguing that the integration of policies in areas that affect everyday life has globalized electoral politics. If the welfare of domestic publics has become more dependent on interactions at the European level, then this should have had effects on the attractiveness of electoral strategies at the European level as well. Governments should have begun to shift electoral politics into the European arena. National elections can affect both the unilateral and collective bargaining behavior of EU governments in the European Union. First, she analyzes how domestic elections affect EU governments’ foreign policies towards the EU (that is, their unilateral bargaining behavior within the EU), and how it affects the bargaining dynamics in the EU (that is, their collective bargaining behavior within the EU) in order to shed more light on the conditions under which national elections allow governments to either influence negotiation outcomes or to defer negotiation outcomes until after the election. Second, she analyzes the effect of EU decision-making on domestic support for EU governments. Empirically, she presents the results of almost ten years of qualitative and quantitative research on the domestic electoral politics of international cooperation in the European Union. Using a number of different data sources on budgetary and legislative decision making allows for analysis of the relationship between European cooperation and national elections from various different angles.About the Speaker:Christina J. Schneider (Ph.D. 2006, Univ. of Konstanz) is Associate Professor and Jean Monnet Chair in the Department of Political Science at UC San Diego. Her research interests are in the fields of international and comparative political economy, distributional conflict, international organizations (with a focus on European politics), and applied methodology. Prof. Schneider’s work has appeared in the British Journal of Political Science, Journal of Conflict Resolution, Public Choice, the Journal of European Public Policy, and elsewhere. Her book, Conflict, Negotiation and European Union Enlargement, was published by Cambridge Univ. Press in 2009.
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