7 events found.
Week of Events
Political Theory Workshop: “Quite obscure until now:” Montesquieu’s constitutional history, foundings, and the modern state by Jacob Levy
Political Theory Workshop: “Quite obscure until now:” Montesquieu’s constitutional history, foundings, and the modern state by Jacob Levy
Speaker: Jacob Levy, McGill University Title: “Quite obscure until now:” Montesquieu’s constitutional history, foundings, and the modern state Topic: PT Workshop Time: Friday, April 16th; 4:00pm PST ZOOM LINK: https://ucla.zoom.us/j/8217815316?pwd=dlU4enhrUTVBOVFSUFhRamJsd2dwdz09 Meeting ID: 821 781 5316 Passcode: 4289 One tap mobile +12133388477,,8217815316#,,,,,,0#,,4289# US (Los Angeles) +16692192599,,8217815316#,,,,,,0#,,4289# US (San Jose) -------------------- The […]