California Residency Update

Hello everyone,


I hope you are all staying warm and healthy. Our office has been getting inquiries from students who are trying to understand how the U.C Residence policy stands if they need to leave the state for reasons related to COVID-19.


Here is the email that was sent from UCOP:

“In an effort to mitigate the impact these extenuating circumstances have on students, UCOP is issuing the following temporary guidance for UC students in the process of fulfilling physical presence and intent requirements and who have become ill, who need to care for someone who is ill, and/or who needs to leave California as a result of the COVID-19 emergency:


Physical Presence – An Out of State Absence exceeding the six week allowed by current policy should be evaluated on a case by case basis according to the student’s respective campus curtailments and other documentation supporting the link of their absence to the COVID-19 emergency.


Intent – Students unable to secure required Government Indicia e.g. California Driver’s License or ID, due to reduced or delayed agency services should be evaluated on a case by case basis where the link to the delay can be tied to the COVID-19 emergency.


This guidance is effective immediately and will be in place until further notice.”


If any students have additional questions about this situation, please direct all residency questions to us (email:; Message Center; and do not answer any residency question directly. There may be some specific cases students may present to you that we may need additional guidance from UCOP.


Thank you for your help!



UCLA Residence Deputies


Jenn Seong | Residence Deputy

UCLA Registrar’s Office

1113 Murphy Hall

Ph: 310-825-3447

All information provided herein is for informational purposes only; refer to the UC Residence Policy and Guidelines for full information regarding UC residency requirements. Only authorized UC personnel in the Office of the Registrar are authorized to provide information regarding UC Residency.  A residency determination is made based on the submission of a Statement of Legal Residence or a Petition for Reclassification.  All statements and documents submitted to the University of California to support a residency classification for purposes of UC tuition are submitted under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California. The Student, and Parents/Qualifying Individual when applicable, is required to declare under oath, declaration, or affidavit that all statements and supporting documents are true and correct. Refer to Regents Policy 3105 for applicable penalties.