Commencement Program: Program Link

2022 Political Science Commencement


The faculty and staff of the Political Science department are looking forward to sharing this wonderful occasion with you.

The Department Ceremony will be held on Sunday, June 12th at 9:00am PST in Pauley Pavilion.

Our 2022 Commencement Speaker is Marcellus McRae!

Marcellus Antonio McRae is a partner in the Los Angeles office of Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher.  He serves as Co-Chair of the firm’s Global Trial Practice Group.  California Lawyer featured him as one of its honorees in its 2015 California Lawyer Attorney of the Year Awards.  He is a member of the firm’s White-Collar Defense and Investigations, Government Contracts, Media, Entertainment and Technology, and International Trade and Regulation Compliance Practice Groups. Mr. McRae’s litigation and white-collar criminal defense practices focus on a wide variety of business disputes, internal investigations, and criminal prosecutions including defense of individuals and corporations in cases involving allegations of: financial fraud, False Claims Act violations, public corruption, violations of federal and state environmental laws, health care fraud, wrongful death, criminal antitrust violations, and other matters.  He also represents and advises employers in wrongful termination, retaliation, and whistleblower claims.

Prior to joining Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher, Mr. McRae served as an Assistant United States Attorney with the Criminal Division, Major Frauds Section, of the United States Attorney’s Office in Los Angeles. While he was an Assistant United States Attorney, Mr. McRae investigated and prosecuted complex white-collar crimes (tax, securities, bankruptcy, and other business frauds) and traditional crimes that involved both jury and non-jury trial experience with a 100 percent conviction rate at trial.

Mr. McRae received his J.D. from Harvard Law School in 1988.  He earned a B.A. degree in Political Science and History in 1985 from UCLA, where he was elected to Phi Beta Kappa.

(You can learn more about Marcellus McRae at )

Graduation Preparation

Make sure to declare your Degree Expected Term via MyUCLA.

Graduation Regalia for Undergrads and Grad students can be purchased at the UCLA Campus Store located in Ackerman Union.

Refer to the College Commencement Website for general information, timelines, key dates & COVID-19 information.

Check any announcements that may be posted to MyUCLA.

4 Commencement Tickets are FREE per graduate (one for the graduate + 4 FREE tickets for family members), any additional ticket is $20/each. Ticketing information can be found here. All tickets will be sent electronically via email to the graduate. Each ticket type will be dedicated to a single email message, so you will receive two emailed ticket messages (one including your graduate ticket & another email including all the 1+ family/guest tickets). Many students do not have their preferred method of communication set up via email, so please be on the lookout for these emails in your inbox – they may default to your spam/junk folders.

Students may choose to schedule an appointment for professional photographs at BruinLife Photo Studio.


Pauley Pavilion Clear Bag Policy

*There will also be a bag check outside of Pauley Pavilion for personal items.


After the Ceremony

Students will receive their Graduation Diplomas via email over the summer.

Political Science Doctoral Hooding Ceremony

The UCLA 2022 Doctoral Hooding Ceremony will take place on Thursday, June 9th at 3:00pm in Royce Hall.

This is the official ceremony for the award of the doctoral degree, there is no separate Political Science Department ceremony for our Doctoral Students. Graduates are welcome and encouraged to attend this ceremony!

We will take a Political Science Department photo ahead of the ceremony in the reception area of Royce Hall – please come 30 mins ahead of the ceremony to be included in this department photo!

All Doctoral Graduates are responsible for purchasing and bringing their own caps/gowns/cords/etc. These can be purchased through the UCLA school store.

What to bring:
Each graduate and guest attending must present the following for entrance into the ceremony:

  1. A digital ticket for the event
  2. A photo ID


FOR GRADUATES:  You must show your UCLA COVID-19 Symptom Monitoring Clearance Certificate showing “cleared for events and venues” on the day of the hooding ceremony, as part of the entry procedures.

FOR GUESTS:  Proof of full vaccination against COVID-19.  This means two weeks after the final dose of primary course of the Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine or two weeks after receiving the single dose of the Johnson & Johnson Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine.  Please note that this is a change from showing proof of up-to-date vaccinations listed below.

Masking is still being required as of now, but please continue to check back for any further updates.


In order to be eligible to participate in the 2022 Doctoral Hooding Ceremony you must meet the following criteria:

  • You must have filed a doctoral dissertation approved by the Graduate Division during the Summer 2021, Fall 2021, or Winter 2022 term OR you must file a doctoral dissertation approved by the Graduate Division during the Spring 2022 term on or before Monday, May 31, 2022, by no later than 5 p.m. PDT. For information on filing: filing your doctoral dissertation.
  • In order to participate in the virtual celebration, you must be a doctoral graduate.  Master’s students should contact their department regarding commencement ceremonies.

If you have eligibility questions, please contact Academic and Postdoctoral Services at


Graduates who filed in Summer 2021, Fall 2021 and Winter 2022 will receive invitations to the doctoral hooding ceremony beginning the second week of May. Doctoral candidates who successfully file in Spring 2022 will receive an email invitation from the Graduate Division.

Guest Tickets:

Due to the increasing number of doctoral graduates and limited seating capacity in Royce Hall, graduates will only be able to order up to four (4) guest tickets and request one (1) waitlist ticket.  Faculty do NOT need tickets. They are invited separately by the Graduate Division. 

Electronic Option Only

Waitlist Tickets:

  • Through MyUCLA, you can request one (1) additional waitlist ticket for the Doctoral Hooding Ceremony during your designated ordering cycle. We make every effort to grant all waitlist ticket requests. However, they are not guaranteed.
  • Waitlist tickets will be determined via lottery on a rolling basis.
  • Waitlist ticket decisions will be posted on MyUCLA. If your waitlist ticket request has been granted, the status will be updated on MyUCLA and you will receive your tickets electronically.

“Day of Event” Timeline:

1:00 p.m.
Graduates check-in on Royce Quad.
Graduate and faculty reception on the West Terrace of Royce Hall. Light appetizers and beverages will be served at the reception.
Due to space restrictions, family members and friends may not accompany the graduates to the graduate/faculty reception in Royce Hall.
2:30 p.m.
Doors open in the auditorium for guest seating.
2:40 p.m.
Processional line-up begins. The official party will lead followed by the faculty and graduate processionals
3:00 p.m.
Hooding ceremony begins. The anticipated duration is 2 hours.
5:00 p.m. (approx.)
Post-ceremony gathering outside on Royce Quad.

Reader & Display Cards:

A pink or yellow reader card will be provided to you when you check in at the ceremony. It will not only serve as your admission to the ceremony, but it will also be used to announce your name as you come forward to be hooded. Should you have a difficult name to pronounce, please print the phonetic pronunciation of your name where indicated.

You will also receive a card with a QR code printed on it.  This will be used to project your name on a screen on the stage while you are being hooded.


Graduates are responsible for renting OR purchasing their own cap, gown and hood for the ceremony. Ordering can be completed through Graduation, Et Cetera. Questions should be directed to Graduation, Et Cetera (A-Level of Ackerman Union, 310- 825-2587).

  • The rental regalia is a standard black gown, flat cap, and blue hood.
  • TIME SENSITIVE NOTE:  For those graduates who wish to order fine regalia that is specific to UCLA (blue gown, tam and tassel that is custom sized), regalia must be purchased no later than mid-April, as delivery takes approximately 8 weeks.  Any questions?  Contact Graduation, Et Cetera.

If you are receiving your PhD degree, you should purchase/rent a Royal Blue hood.  However, professional doctoral degree recipients should request the appropriate hood color representing their fields of learning:

Environmental Science & Engineering – Golden Yellow
Education – Light Blue
Music – Pink
Public Health – Salmon Pink

NOTE: Graduation, Etc. is the official Jostens vendor for the purchase and rental of regalia. Thus, they are licensed to reproduce the official UC colors and brand their gowns as University of California. There are other regalia vendors with whom you wish to do business. However, please note that we have no corporate responsibility information from their factories to determine where their materials are being resourced, or how/where they are being produced.

Tips for preparing your gown for your big day:

  • Remove the gown from the packaging and place on a hanger to allow the folds to fall out, and hang your gown in a high humidity area. Otherwise, it will be very wrinkled.
  • If you wish to press your gown, turn it inside out and press with a warm, not hot Steaming is also an option.
  • Because it has a tendency to get very warm in the auditorium, please wear lightweight clothing underneath your regalia.
  • Following the event, you may return your rented regalia to the collection tables outside Royce Hall. Caps, gowns and hoods may be kept and turned in later if you are participating in a separate ceremony during commencement weekend.

Ceremony Photographs:

Graduates will be photographed by GradImages as they are being hooded during the ceremony. Graduates may purchase prints following the event and will be contacted directly by GradImages.

Graduation Announcements:

Visit Graduation, Et Cetera to purchase graduation announcements.

Graduation Portraits:

Formal or candid portraits can be scheduled at the Campus Photo Studio on the A-level of Ackerman Union. Sittings may be arranged in person or by calling 310-206-8433. Academic attire will be furnished without charge for use in the Campus Photo Studio. Portrait prices vary according to individual needs.

Ceremony Details:

  • Graduates: Please leave valuables, purses, and backpacks with family members/guests, as there is no place to store or secure them during the procession and ceremony.
  • The Processional: Candidates will be led into the auditorium by two pre-selected student marshals. Professional graduates (Ed.D., D. Env., D.M.A. and Dr. PH) should line up at the end of the procession so the last reader can correctly identify their degrees. Faculty participants will be seated on stage behind the official party.
  • Hooding: At the appropriate time, graduates will be directed by event staff to stand by row and proceed to the left side of the stage. You will hand your pink/yellow and QR code cards to an event staff person at the top of the stairs. You will be cued when to proceed across the stage to be hooded.
  • Due to the high number of graduates and time constraints, only pre-designated platform party hooding marshals will hood the candidates rather than individual dissertation committee members. Chairs, co-chairs and members of a dissertation committee will be invited to stand when their respective candidate(s) cross(es) the stage to be hooded.
  • After being hooded you will pose for a photo with the Vice Provost/Dean and shake hands with the Provost/Executive Vice Chancellor. A photographer will stop you as you leave the stage to take an official photograph before you return to your original seat.
  • You will not receive your diploma at the ceremony.
  • Recessional: The official platform party that is seated on stage will file out of the auditorium first, followed by the faculty, and then by the graduates who will be led by the two student marshals.

How to Wear Your Cap and Carry Your Hood:

Instructions on How to Wear Your Cap and Carry Your Hood.


Parking Structure 4 is the designated lot for graduates and guests attending the ceremony (space permitting).  There will be limited availability at Parking Structure 5 for disabled parking.

Parking permits are $14 (The rate for guests parking with a disabled parking placard is $8).

Faculty Hooding Ceremony info:

Entrance Requirements:

The ceremony will operate under campus and Los Angeles County Department of Public Health safety guidelines. You must show your UCLA COVID-19 Symptom Monitoring Clearance Certificate showing “cleared for events and venues” on the day of the hooding ceremony, as part of the entry procedures.

If not, you may follow the protocol for non-UCLA affiliates by having the following:  photo ID and confirmation of full COVID-19 vaccination (this means two weeks since final dose of primary course of the Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine or two weeks after receiving the single dose of the Johnson & Johnson Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine).

It is anticipated that starting April 11, participants who are up to date on their COVID-19 vaccines will have the option of being unmasked while attending indoor mega events, although masking would still be highly recommended.  Please refer to the latest campus protocols.

RSVP and Attendance:

An invitation and RSVP link will be sent to all UCLA Faculty in mid-March for both the May 11th (for the Classes of 2020 and 2021) and June 9th (for the Class of 2022) doctoral hooding ceremonies. Faculty can RSVP their planned attendance at the Doctoral Hooding ceremonies.

Faculty will be seated on stage facing the audience behind the platform party.

NOTE:  Due to the high number of graduates and time constraints, pre-designated hooding marshals from the platform party will hood the candidates, rather than dissertation committee members.


The Graduate Division DOES NOT order academic regalia.

If you are planning to attend either ceremony, please complete the Graduation, Etc. order form (PDF) and email it to Jason Amorosi ( directly.  Please write in the date(s) of the ceremony you will be attending (May 11th and/or June 9th Doctoral Hooding Ceremony).  Relevant deadlines for the form, depending on regalia type and ceremony, are below.

Non-UC regalia for the May 11th ceremony March 28th
UC regalia for the May 11th ceremony May 2nd
Regalia deliveries for the May 11th ceremony will be done by: May 5th
Non-UC regalia for the June 9th ceremony April 8th
UC regalia for the June 9th ceremony May 27th
Regalia deliveries for the June 9th ceremony will begin on: May 31st

If you are attending only the May 11th ceremony, you can return the regalia at Royce after the ceremony.  If you are attending both the May 11th and June 9th ceremony, you can keep the regalia until the second ceremony and return it after.

It has a tendency to get very warm on stage, so please wear lightweight clothing underneath your regalia.

“Day of Event” Timeline:

Event staff will be on-site and available to provide information and assistance on the day of the ceremony.

1:30 p.m. Graduate and Faculty reception on the West Terrace of Royce Hall.  Faculty will need to check in via Royce Hall’s Artists’ Entrance on the northside of the building.

2:20 p.m. Doors open in the auditorium for guest seating

2:40 p.m. Processional line-up begins

3:00 p.m. The official party leads the faculty processional on the stage

The graduate processional follows

Hooding ceremony

5:00 p.m. Post-ceremony reception on Royce Quad

Once the hooding ceremony commences, chairs, co-chairs and members of a dissertation committee should plan to stand when the candidate(s) crosses the stage to be hooded. This will be announced at the beginning of the ceremony.

NOTE: Due to the high number of graduates and time constraints, pre-designated faculty hooding marshals will hood the candidates rather than individual dissertation committee members.

Official Platform Party:

If you are a member of academic leadership or have been designated as a hooding, reading or faculty processional marshal, you will receive separate, specific instructions from the Graduate Division.