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REP Workshop – Hahrie Han

REP Workshop - Hahrie Han DateMay 6, 2016 Time4:00pm to 5:30pm Location 4357 Bunche Hall  Contact Event Details: Parking | Directions Please register here:

Explaining the Rapidity of Social Change

Explaining the Rapidity of Social Change DateMay 12, 2014 Time5:00am to 6:30am Location 4357 Bunche Hall Contact Social change, for example, public support of same-sex marriage, often has the following dynamic: existing behavior or norms persist for a long time, and then change to the new normal very rapidly. This rapidity is not easily explained […]

American Politics Workshop with Seth Masket

American Politics Workshop with Seth Masket DateMay 11, 2015 Time12:00pm Location 4357 Bunche Hall Contact Contact Information Belinda SunnuPhone bsunnu@polisci.ucla.edu Presenter:Seth Masket, University of DenverTitle:“Do Voters and Activists Nominate the Same Sort of Candidates? A Look at Legislative Vacancy Appointments in Illinois and Colorado”Abstract: In Colorado and Illinois, local partisan vacancy committees are charged with appointing […]

AP Workshop – Christopher Warshaw, MIT

AP Workshop - Christopher Warshaw, MIT DateMay 8, 2017 Time12:30pm to 2:00pm Location 4357 Bunche Hall Contact Abstract:There is a large literature on economic voting in the United States, which shows that the economy matters in presidential and congressional elections. Puzzlingly, however, the state politics literature has failed to find clear evidence for economic voting […]

30th Annual Bollens-Ries-Hoffenberg Lecture

30th Annual Bollens-Ries-Hoffenberg Lecture DateMay 10, 2017 Time7:00pm Location Charles E. Young Grand SalonKerckhoff HallUCLA Campus  Contact About the SpeakerSheila Kuehl, Los Angeles County Supervisor, District 3"Too Many Governments: How Local, State and Federal Jurisdictions Can Clash or Collaborate"Click here to learn more about Sheila KuehlAbout the SeriesThe annual series' aim is to bring together the […]

REP Workshop with Lisa Garcia Bedolla

REP Workshop with Lisa Garcia Bedolla DateMay 14, 2015 Time12:00pm to 1:30pm Location 4357 Bunche Hall Contact Contact Information Belinda SunnuPhone bsunnu@polisci.ucla.edu Presenter: Lisa Garcia Bedolla, UC BerkeleyTitle:  "Latino Political Engagement and the Future of  U.S. Politics”Abstract: After the 2012 election, there was much talk about the importance of the Latino vote for both major U.S. […]

Join Us To Celebrate the Life of Professor Mark Sawyer

Join Us To Celebrate the Life of Professor Mark Sawyer DateMay 11, 2017 Time3:00pm Location UCLA Faculty Center California RoomUCLA CampusSelf-pay parking available in Structure 2 Contact Contact Information Kelli O'LearyPhone (310)825-4038koleary@support.ucla.edu  Laura E. Gómez Interim Dean of Social Sciencesrespectfully invites you to attend a memorial service celebrating the life ofProfessor Mark Sawyer UCLA Departments of African […]

Catherine de Vries

Catherine de Vries DateMay 17, 2018 Time12:00pm to 1:30pm Location 4357 Bunche Hall Contact Contact Information Belinda SunnuPhone 3102067558bsunnu@polisci.ucla.edu There will be two talks by Catherine de Vries: Thursday, May 17th: 12:00-1:30pm; 4357 Bunche HallWhen the Money Stops: Fluctuations in Financial Remittances and Incumbent Approval in Central Eastern Europe the Caucasus and Central Asia Flyer Thursday may 17th: 4:00-5:30p; 4357 […]

Dilemmas of Nonproliferation Statecraft

Dilemmas of Nonproliferation Statecraft DateMay 16, 2014 Time8:00am to 9:30am Location Bunche Hall 10367 Contact The effects of international inducements on the internal politics of states that violate nuclear nonproliferation commitments remain highly contested. How have sanctions, trade, aid, investments, diplomacy, financial measures and military threats affected different groups? How, when and why were those […]