Seminar – Francois Furet on the Revolutionary Passion
DateMarch 5, 2016
Time10:30am to 12:30pm
Haines Hall, Room 110
Matthew Crawford is the author of the heavily praised books Shop Class as Soulcraftand The World Beyond Your Head. He is a senior fellow at the Institute for Advanced Studies of the University of Virginia and he fabricates parts for custom motorcycles in Richmond, Virginia. He received his Ph.D. in ancient political thought from the University of Chicago.———————People in the seminar will be sent and asked to read a chapter from Francois Furet’s celebrated book, The Passing of an Illusion: The Idea of Communism in the Twentieth Century, and to be ready to participate in the conversation. A pizza lunch will be delivered following the seminar.The seminar is free and open to all, but you must enroll in advance. To do so, send an email to Professor Lowenstein:
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