Marc Trachtenberg

Marc Trachtenberg

Marc Trachtenberg

Distinguished Research Professor

Emeriti Faculty

Office: 3258 Bunche Hall


Phone: (310) 267-1904


Marc Trachtenberg studies national security strategy, diplomatic history, and international relations.
Prof. Trachtenberg has been Fellow of the Woodrow Wilson Foundation, the John Simon Guggenheim Foundation, the German Marshall Fund, and the SSRC/MacArthur Foundation. His award-winning book, A Constructed Peace: The Making of the European Settlement, 1945-1963 (Princeton University Press, 1999), explores the profound impact of nuclear weapons on the conduct of international relations during the Cold War, making extensive use of newly opened documentary archives in Europe and the United States. The Cold War and After: History, Theory, and the Logic of International Politics (Princeton UP, 2012) deals with such specific issues of that era as preventive war and international order. Professor Trachtenberg teaches courses on the history of international relations, international security, and historical research methods. His website provides extensive resources for obtaining and interpreting documentary evidence about the Cold War.


University of California, Berkeley: A.B. (1966); M.A. (1967); Ph.D. (1974)