Scott C. James
Scott James wrote his Schattschneider Award- winning dissertation at UCLA, and joined its faculty in 1995.
His early research explored the influence of electoral institutions on American political development, focusing in particular on Electoral College competition and it’s impact on legislative choice, federal law enforcement, presidential leadership, and patterns of American state-building. His book, Parties, Presidents and the State: Electoral College Competition, Party Leadership, and Democratic Regulatory Choice, 1884-1936 (Cambridge, 2000) was awarded the APSA’s 2001 Gladys Kammerer Award for the best political science publication in the field of U.S. national policy. In his current research, Dr. James’ is undertaking a systematic exploration of the nineteenth-century American patronage system and a reinterpretation of American party development. He offers a popular undergraduate course on the American presidency, and teaches graduate seminars on American political institutions, political party formation, and the politics of American state-building.
UCLA, 1993