Michael Alan Herndon

Michael Alan Herndon

Current Student

Email: maherndon@ucla.edu


I study the intersection of racial prejudice and elections as well as political empowerment. My dissertation takes an existing puzzle in voting rights (racial discrepancies in ballot rejection) and uses a mixed-methods approach to measure the severity of the problem, identify its root causes, and test the effectiveness of various remedies for policy makers to consider.


B.S. in Political Science – University of Nebraska at Omaha

Research Interests

REP, American Politics

Honors & Awards

My research has been supported by the APSA Minority Fellowship, the Cota Robles Fellowship, UCLA’s Graduate Research Mentorship Program, and has received an honorable mention from the Ford Foundation.

Courses & Presentations

-Political Science 186: Special Studies in Race, Ethnicity, and Politics – Voting Rights Policy and Election Law (Instructor of Record, Summer 2024)

-Political Science 186: Special Studies in Race, Ethnicity, and Politics – Race and Politics in Los Angeles (Instructor of Record, Summer 2023)

-Cluster 20CW: Race and Politics in Los Angeles (Instructor of Record, Spring 2023)

Graduate Advisors

Matt Barreto (Dissertation Chair), Efrén Pérez, Natalie Masuoka, Chad Dunn, Gary Segura