Laura Margareta Luca

Laura Margareta Luca

Current Student



I’m broadly interested in international security, arms control and non-proliferation, alliances and extended deterrence.
I study the impact of emerging technologies (AI, autonomous weapons systems and hypersonics) on strategic stability. I use formal theory as well as machine learning techniques to study states’ interests and behavior in the realm of arms control negotiations and deterrence.


B.A. in Economics and Political Science from UCLA (2016); M.A. in Political Science/International Relations from the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID, Geneva, Switzerland)

Research Interests

International Relations, Political Methodology

Courses & Presentations

Primary Instructor: PS 139 – Current Issues in International Security
– PS 30 – Introduction to Game Theory
– PS 172 – Advanced Game Theory
– PS 125 – Arms Control and International Security

Graduate Advisors

Robert Trager, Barry O’Neill, Eric Min, Michael Chwe, Michelle Torres