Estefania Castañeda Pérez
B.A. Political Science, San Diego State University. M.A. Political Science, UCLA Political Science Department
Research Interests
Race, Ethnicity, and Politics, International Relations, Mixed Methods, Border Politics and Policing
My dissertation examines how crossing the border and interacting with CBP officers impacts the mental health, sense of belonging, and sociopolitical behavior of transborder commuters. Using mixed methods, including an original survey, ethnographic observations, and in-depth interviews, this study uncovers the effects of enduring multiple, “mundane” forms of aggression from CBP officers, state violence and racialization at the Mexico-U.S. border.
Selected Publications
Castañeda Pérez, E. 2020. “Transborder (In)Securities: Transborder Commuters’ Perceptions of Enforcement at the U.S.-Mexico Border.” Politics, Groups, and Identities
Castañeda Perez, E and Félix, I. 2020. “Algo Qué Declarar? Student Surveillance, Policing, and Belonging at the México-U.S. Border.” Intervenxions Blog at The Latinx Project at New York University
Honors & Awards
Dean’s Fund for the Study of Diversity and Racial Inequality, 2021
APSA/NSF Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grant, 2020
Charles E. and Sue K. Young Graduate Student Award, 2020
National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship, 2018-2022
Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship, 2018-Present
Eugene V. Cota Robles Fellowship, 2016
Graduate Advisors
Matt Barreto (co-chair)
Cecilia Menjívar (co-chair)
Efrén Pérez
Leisy Abrego
Hiroshi Motomura
Gilbert Gee