Autonomy vs. Diversity: Kant and Hegel DateOctober 4, 2013 Time9:00am to 10:30am Location 4357 Bunche Hall Contact The notions of autonomy and diversity, both important in social and ethical theory, seem to have little to do with one another. To put it roughly, autonomy has to do with self-governance, with the ability to determine your […]
Methods Workshop with Adam Glynn DateOctober 3, 2014 Time12:00pm to 1:30pm Location 4357 Bunche Hall Contact Presenter:Adam Glynn, Emory UniversityTitle: "Front-door Difference-in-Differences Estimators"Abstract:In this paper, we develop front-door difference-in-differences estimators that utilize information from post-treatment variables in addition to information from pre-treatment covariates. Even when the front-door criterion does not hold, these estimators allow the identification […]
Comparative Politics Workshop with Carlo Prato DateOctober 5, 2015 Time12:30pm Location Contact SAVE the Date, Next MONDAY, Oct. 5 -- Carlo Prato (of) Georgetown Univ. with “RATIONAL IGNORANCE AND ELECTORAL IMBALANCE, " the 1st Comparative Politics Workshop of 2015-16: 12:30 PM, Bunche 4357 (Conference Room)(from the abstract): study a formal model where "rationally ignorant" voters […]
Do Primary Electorates Polarize Congress? DateOctober 8, 2013 Time5:15am to 6:45am Location 4357 Bunche Hall Contact The extreme preferences of the citizens who participate in primary elections are often offered as an explanation for divergence between how members of Congress behave and what their constituents would prefer. If candidates must appeal both to a primary […]
Comparative Politics Workshop with Jens Hainmueller DateOctober 13, 2014 Time12:30pm to 2:00pm Location 4357 Bunche Hall Contact Title: "Do Survey Experiments Capture Real-World Behavior? External Validation of Conjoint and Vignette Analyses with a Natural Experiment"Presenter: Jens HainmuellerAbstract: Survey experiments like vignette and conjoint analyses are widely used in the social sciences to elicit stated preferences and study how […]
Swarr Prize Lecture DateOctober 10, 2016 Time12:00pm to 1:30pm Location 4357 Bunche Hall Contact Abstract:Scholars have established that the emergence and success of Latinos running for office is primarily driven by district demographics. Nonetheless, the Latino presence in Congress continues to be limited despite the rapid growth of the Latino population. What, then, is driving […]
BOLLENS-RIES-HOFFENBERG LECTURE DateOctober 10, 2017 Time6:00pm to 9:00pm Location California NanoSystems Institute (CNSI)UCLA Campus Contact Barbara GeddesChair and Professor, UCLA Department of Political Scienceinvites you to attend the 31st AnnualBOLLENS-RIES-HOFFENBERG LECTURE Fiction When Truth is Stranger Than Fiction: Hollywood in The Trump Era featuring Franklin LeonardFilm Executive and Founder, The Black List with introduction by Lynn VavreckProfessor of Political Science, UCLA Tuesday, October 10, […]