The Department of Political Science Honors Program


The Departmental Honors Program is a yearlong process that begins in the spring of a student’s junior year and concludes the following winter with the completion of an honors thesis. Outstanding political science majors are invited to apply in the winter of their junior year. Admitted students will conduct original research on a question of their choosing, relevant to the discipline of political science, and under the guidance of a faculty mentor. A successful thesis is roughly 50 pages long and it must meet the standards of the faculty mentor and be judged to do justice to the topic.

Each thesis will be graded by the mentoring professor in collaboration with the Honors Program Director. The level of honors (“Honors” or “Highest Honors”) will be based on 1) the quality of the thesis and 2) the student’s overall academic performance in the major. The honors designation will appear on the student’s official transcript and diploma. If “No Honors” is awarded, no designation will be noted.


Applications for preliminary admission to the honors program are available here and due in the winter of a student’s junior year. The deadline for the next honors cycle is Friday, March 7, 2025 at 5:00 PM. Admission is competitive, and the program typically admits 18-20 students per cohort. All decisions are final. Successful applicants will receive a PTE number to enroll in PS 191H. Decisions regarding formal admission to the honors program will be made at the conclusion of PS 191H. Once again, all decisions are final.

To apply, students must submit:

  • A one-page statement explaining their interest in the honors program and their qualifications for completing a major research project.
  • A one-page description of their research topic, preliminary research question, and the current state of debate around which your question is situated.
  • A completed departmental honors application signed by a faculty mentor. Please note: Your mentor must be a member of the Political Science department’s permanent ladder faculty, emeriti faculty, or hold a joint/courtesy appointment with our department. A list of eligible faculty is available on the Political Science website.
  • The most recent UCLA transcript (including winter course enrollments).

Submission: The application period for the 2025-2026 cycle has closed.

Note: If you would like your completed thesis to be e-published on our departments repository, please be aware that you will need to give written consent to have your thesis added.


  • Spring Quarter of Junior Year
    The honors sequence begins with PS 191H, a four-unit course taken in the spring of the junior year. PS 191H is a prerequisite for final admission to the program, and students must earn an A- or better to continue. The course culminates in the development of a research prospectus, a detailed plan for conducting original research. During the quarter, students will learn how to craft literature reviews, develop research questions, propose hypotheses, select research methods, and determine information sources. In Weeks 9 and 10, students will present their research prospectus in class. In-person attendance for 191H is mandatory.
  • Summer Following Junior Year
    Following the completion of PS 191H, students will begin their research over the summer. In collaboration with their faculty mentor, students will create a detailed action plan, which may include additional reading, data collection, or other preparatory work. A mandatory progress report must be submitted to both the faculty mentor and the program director by the start of fall quarter. (Note: There is no summer enrollment requirement.)
  • Fall and Winter Quarters of Senior Year
    In their senior year, students will enroll in 8 units of PS 198 (4 units each in Fall and Winter Quarters), a contract course taken with their faculty mentor. During these quarters, students will continue their research and begin writing their thesis, completing it under the faculty mentor’s supervision by the end of winter quarter. Honors students will also meet with the Honors Program Director once or twice each quarter to discuss progress, solve problems, and exchange ideas. These meetings are mandatory.
  • Completion of the Thesis
    The completed thesis is due at the end of winter quarter, with printed copies submitted to both the faculty mentor and the program director.


  • To graduate with “Honors” in the major, a student must meet the following criteria:
    • A major GPA of at least 3.5
    • An overall UCLA GPA of at least 3.5
    • Completion of Political Science 191H with a grade of at least A-
    • Completion of the Honors Thesis with a minimum grade of B+

    To graduate with “Highest Honors” in the major, a student must also:

    • Graduate with a final major GPA of at least 3.85
    • Complete the Senior Honors Thesis with a grade of A+

Political Science Departmental Honors Award

Distinguished Undergraduate Scholar Award: This award is given annually to one or more outstanding honors students who produce the most distinguished scholarly contributions in political science.