Julian Michel (UCLA PhD 2024) receives two APSA and one MPSA Award

Julian Michel (UCLA PhD 2024) received multiple research awards in 2024. His dissertation work on “The Subnational Roots of Democratic Stability” was recognized with the American Political Science Association’s Deil S. Wright Award for the best paper on Federalism and Intergovernmental Relations. Additionally, the Midwest Political Science Association recognized it with the Kellogg/ Notre Dame Award for the best paper in Comparative Politics. In this work, Julian contributes to the discourse on democratic backsliding by showing that elected presidents are more able to undermine democracy the more they also control subnational governments.
Earlier this year, Julian’s publication “How Authoritarian Regimes Decide Who Emigrates” (with Maggie Peters, UCLA, and Michael Miller, GWU) received the American Political Science Association’s Michael Wallerstein Award for the best article in Political Economy.
You can learn more about Julian’s work at https://julianmichel.net/.