“Supermajority Rule” Author at Marschak Jan. 8 Event
Are “supermajority” requirements for passage simply a “more” democratic way to govern? Do they perhaps create an almost insurmountable bias towards the status quo, against positive change? These questions and more will be explored in an early-2015 on-campus event, the first Thursday after the Winter break (January 8 at 3:00 PM). That session of the Marschak Colloquium will provide an opportunity to hear from Political Science researcher Prof. Melissa Scwartzberg of New York University on the subject of her like-titled book, Counting the Many: The Origins and Limits of Supermajority Rule (Cambridge Univ. Press, 2015).”
For complete events and venue details, click here.
Professor Schwartzberg is also the author of Democracy and Legal Change (Cambridge, 2007) and she serves as a co-editor of NOMOS, the yearbook of the American Society for Political and Legal Philosophy.
The Jacob Marschak Interdisciplinary Colloquium on Mathematics in the Behavioral Sciences is an interdisciplinary lecture series hosted by UCLA’s School of Social Sciences to explore the role of mathematics in the behavioral sciences. Its mission is to provide an interdisciplinary dynamic environment in which to showcase and explore that role. The colloquium is organized by the Marschak steering committee at UCLA which consists of Susanne Lohmann, Professor of Political Science & Public Policy, UCLA; Dan Blumstein, Professor of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology; Louis Gomez, Professor of Education; and Mark Kleiman, Professor of Public Policy.